What does pure evil look like?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 10:18 PM
I'm sure some of those who read this blog are still having a hard time coming to terms with the idea that the U.S. government was complicit in the attacks of September 11th, 2001. This isn't surprising. It took nearly 3 years of research for me to be completely convinced. When you are presented with an idea so horrendous, so despicable, so...unbelievable...it becomes just that, hard to believe. This post is dedicated to exposing something even more horrible than any government sponsored terrorist attack could ever be.

What would you say if I told you that corrupt elements of the US government and the CIA are involved in organizing the largest child sex ring in the world? What if I told you they are responsible for kidnapping thousands of US children each year? You'd be shocked. You'd probably be in disbelief. Well, so was I until I did some digging.

Please, if you only research one thing, this should be it.

First of all, what do you think is the answer to the headline for this post? To me, pure evil would be human beings that are supposed to protect the innocent, people who are supposed to save the weak, leaders who are supposed to defend a nation taking advantage of the power they wield and doing the most heinous acts imaginable. Why? Because it's the only way they can get their thrills and because they know that no one will believe it.

I want to leave my analysis out of it. I'm not trying to promote an ideology. I belong to no political party and I care only about revealing the truth. It should be expected that the most disgusting and evil things in the world are hidden. I will simply show you the door, it is your choice to walk through it. It will be up to you to make your own analysis.

First of all...a frame of reference

Franklin Cover-Up Scandal:

Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon

The following video was pulled before being broadcast on the Discovery Channel and deals with pedophilia in a institution for orphans, "Boys Town", with involvement of high figures of U.S. Political Establishment (Congress). It was not until a copy was anonymously provided to former Nebraska Senator John De Camp that it has been available for the public to view.

"The only way a politician can hurt his career is if he is caught with a dead woman or a live boy in his bed."
- Old Capital Hill Proverb

I am not crazy.

I'm just skeptical.

I am not cynical.

I simply avoid denial.

I have plenty of opinions, speculative beliefs, and other considerations concerning this information. I would love for anyone who is concerned to talk to me about it personally and I am sure that we can have a very interesting discussion.

Maybe this information doesn't convince you of anything, but if it doesn't at least make you question some things, some people, and some events in recent history then there is something seriously wrong with you, not just our country.

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