Five Years Later - Is hindsight 20/20?

Monday, September 11, 2006 at 1:04 PM
Five years of confusion. Why did this happen? Five years of anger. We will never let this happen again! Five years of deception.

"If you're not with us, you're against us."

Five years ago, on September 11, 2001, I was asleep in my dorm room. It was my first true semester in college at the University of Texas at Austin. My mom called me, woke me up, and the conversation went like this:

Mom: "Bryan! Do you know what's going on in the world?"
Me: "No. I'm sleeping. What's goin' on?"
Mom: "Turn on the TV."
Me: "What channel?"
Mom: "Any channel!"

I turned on the TV just before the second plane hit the North Tower of the WTC complex. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was 18 years old, I had just started college, and innocence was now certainly lost. I was confused, but more so, I was amazed.

Ever since that morning I have questioned and desired to know what happend. How did this occur and why were we unable to prevent it? I had grown up knowing, not thinking, but knowing that the United States was the most powerful country in the world. I was proud of this fact, but now I felt weak and almost embarrassed.

Two years later, as the winds of war were ramping up, I began to realize the true nature of the events that occured on the infamous date 9/11. It was simply the alarm clock for the new millenium. It started the events that have occured over the last 5 years and just like you set your alarm clock at night before you go to bed, those that had planned the domination of the middle east and the on going War on Terror (war on our rights) set this alarm clock months and years before 9/11.

Today I have found a very interesting article that provides videos of live footage during and after the attacks on national news stations. It is interesting the things that were said right away and how they are different from the constant barage of propaganda that we are led to believe today. Please take the time to watch these videos and read this article

I have always said... "I know what I saw, but I don't know what really happend on 9/11."

I know what the media wants me to believe, I know what the government wants me to believe, but I really don't know what happend.

Mark my words, we have been decieved. A 5 year campaign of conditioning has led the public to buy whatever the media/government colaboration wants to sell them. Honestly, I think that most of American are trying to move on, but that is not what they want. They want to keep the emotion of fear directly in your view. I am not afraid. Not only that, but I am not willing to simply ignore the fact that they want to decieve me.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Usually when I express my opinion on the current status of world politics I am confronted with the question "Well, what can I do about it?" You can think about it. That's what you can do. This war, the War on Terror, is a war for your mind. They want to make us so disgusted and tired of trying to figure out the real nature of our world that we will give in and accept some skewed version of events that in the end will benefit only the elite. They want us so confused, so jaded, and so afraid that we actually become apathetic. We simply accept their constructed worldview. WE ARE SELLING OURSELVES INTO SLAVERY.

We will go to war with Iran, just as we did with Iraq.
Before this can happen though, we will need another catalyzing event.
When this happens, I'll know who I'll look to for responsibility.
The disgusting criminal elements that have infilitrated the government of this beautiful and resilient country. I hope my fellow Americans will not be cowed into submission by fear and shock. We built this country to be free and I intend to remain that way.

1 Responses to Five Years Later - Is hindsight 20/20?

  1. mallardking Says:

    People need to realize, our republic may be 200 years old... but there was another 200-year-old republic known as Rome. Julius Caeser was a man who claimed himself god and dictator of Rome. He took rights away, slowly, and surely he was killed through conspiracy, and his best friend Marc Antony lead the people into tyranny as Julius Caeser's son... Augustus became the first Emperor of Rome. Successful republics can die, don't assume America is invincible... do something!