How to Wake Up in a Field: Go to My Party!

Sunday, June 04, 2006 at 10:30 PM

Wow, so last night was the Grand Opening party for the website, and while a lot of people were out of town and unable to make it, that just left a lot of alcohol for the rest of us. Believe you me, that was certainly a buffet of soberiety that Crunkasaurus Sex just couldn't even wait to indulge in. He annihalated every single one of us. Here is an excerpt from a conversation I had to day with my good friend Dan:

UTDan8306 (6:18:03 PM): like i remember driving back home like a dumbass and everything was a blur, I had to throw up so i pulled over at a what a burger to yak and i got out all stumbling and this cool guy was helping me out, so i ended up just yacking behind what a burger, left my keys in the ignition of my truck and left my door unlocked, i drunkenly walked a few blocks away to a field and threw up so more, then i guess i fell asleep, i don't even remember waking up, i just remember walking to a taco cabana for breakfast tacos. And i had totally forgotten i had driven so i started walking back home, then it all came back to me and i had to remember where my car was, i was freaking out I thought that dude who helped me stole my truck, but i just remembered what a burger so i looked for it and there was my truck in one piece, fucking crazy night.....

gobuffs10 (6:18:55 PM):
that is awesome