The Beginning of Global Warfare

Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 10:02 PM

"I do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstien
I have avoided talking too much about politics and global events in the beginning stages of this blog because it is summer time, soccer has been going on, and overall nothing TOO exciting or has been in the news lately. Well, that sure has changed. If you have been reading or watching the news at all in the last few weeks, or especially in the last few days, you have seen that there is a major escalation in the Isreali-Arab conflict in the Middle East. This is a huge development in the world, which is so closely hinging on global conflict. Seems unimaginalbe that we could see another World War, I know, but wait...does it really? The last one was only 60 years ago, that's what's incredible.

I keep a very close eye on current events and I have some strong opinions about the goings on in the world. Believe me, as the old cliche says," not everything is as it seems". I will continuely post links to websites and news stories online that are of interest.

This fantastic country we live in is being destroyed by rouge elements of our government and foreign governments. We are being lied to and manipulated. Below are a few links that should help to inform anyone that is curious to learn more about the reality that we inhabit.

- - This website helped open my eyes to what is going on in the world and the people who are behind it. It may seem crazy to believe some of the things you will read on this site, but if you take time to free your mind, and just try to look at it objectively, I promise you will learn something.

Also, if you are intersted in seeing an amazing new movie about the history of government sponsored terrorism (like that commited on Sept. 11th, 2001) then you should watch Terrorstorm by Alex Jones.

Some other interesting websites and blogs that I normally read for news include:

This country was founded by our forefathers who openly admitted that governments should be feared. We are living in a world where those in power have learned techniques to control mass populations in order to secure their own wealth, power, and control. We have an opportunity to prevent that and save our freedoms, save our rights, and save our country.