Taste of the Rockies!

Friday, July 28, 2006 at 2:40 PM
Well, I'm currently in Colorado visiting some of my family and just taking some time to breathe in some fresh mountain air. I also happen to take in some cool mountain beer. Today I went on the VIP Coors Brewery Tour. I gotta say, that's one heck of a tour. First of all, they straight up just give you 3 beers of your choice for free! (Killians, Coors, Coors Light, Blue Moon, Molson's Canadian, or Zima XXX) Also, because we were in the VIP tour (My Aunt works for the advertising portion of the company) we got to drink straight off the filter, and they aren't lying when they say it's cold filtered. (After brewing, the beer never reaches a temperature above 50 degrees farenheit.) You see, I learned on the tour that most beers, basically all beers, are pasteurized to filter out impurities before being packaged. Coors is unique in the fact that they use a sophisticated filtering system. This process allows the beer to be filtered without having to heat it up again, and allows it to have the crisp cool mountain taste that they so eloquently advertise. It was deliciously free and quite educational.

Here are a few things I learned on the tour:
  1. Coors invented the two-piece can in order to efficiently package the beer without creating excess waste. The design was purposely not patented in order to allow other companies to use the design. Now all major canned drinks use this design.
  2. Coors also has a department of the company called CoorsTek that produces porcelin products. I'm still trying to figure out why.
  3. Coors is one of the most self sufficient and self contained companies I have ever heard of. They produce nearly 85% of their own power, they produce there own packaging, and recycle a large amount of their waste by creating by products that can be sold to other companies and individuals.

Anyway, I will be flying back to Austin on Tuesday. Anyone who care about me enough comment should do so. I'd like to hear what's on everybody's mind.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    government cover ups are whack.

  2. shaggy duck Says:

    ain't that the truth?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    most plants make a significant portion of their own power and then sell what they can't use

  4. shaggy duck Says:

    ...and there own water?
    ...and there own packaging?

    plus the recycle nearly everything.

    This beer factory was like a little village. (One I wouldn't mind living in either. mmm...beer...)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    well they treat their own water...both water for use and the used waste water before it is re-released if thats what you mean by making your own water...as for packaging not all plants make stuff that has to be packaged....they can send it to its end site using pipelines or other modes of transportation.

    i agree a beer village would be fantastic

  6. shaggy duck Says:

    Who is this? (If you don't mind revealing yourself)

  7. taylor Says:

    i fucking love blue moon.