Q: Who could have guessed? A: Alex Jones

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 2:53 PM
This video is from the Alex Jones show that is broadcast on the Austin Access Channel. As can be seen in the video, it dates from July 25th, 2001, nearly 3 months before the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. He clearly states that the US government will use terrorist attacks to implement their plan for tyranny and he even names Osama Bin Laden as a possible patsy to take the blame.

This wasn't just something that was grabbed out of thin air. Alex Jones' opinion was forged from dedicated work to find the truth. You too can see the immediate threat of globalist tyranny if you look for the genuine truth, rather than accepting whatever hegemonic garbage you can hear in a 10 second sound bite.

The slavery that the powers at be have planned for us may come unbeknownst to the average man. Its power is derived from a mental conditioning. An subconscious (or even conscious) willingness to accept the status quo.